roulette system 2 3

The roulette system 2/3

Another popular strategy for playing roulette is the “two thirds”. According to experts and fans of gambling entertainment, such a tactic gives a high chance of winning. It is still unknown who the author of this tactic. However, its construction is based on the theory of probability. Apply this tactic can only be in the live game format or in those online casinos that are allowed to spin without betting.

To cut to the chase

There are several specific factors which form the basis of this principle. Roulette has 37 sectors, all of which have specific numerical values. Within a single round, a similar number of roulette reel spins can be accepted for betting. According to observations and statistical calculations, no more than 2/3 of all numerical values on the field can fall out in a round. That is, fall out 24 numbers, which can be repeated several times during the round.

In this case, any gambler will need patience. Take a pen and notebook – in it you will record the fallen out numbers. Playing with this strategy starts with the recording of all the numerical values that have fallen in the last 28 spins. The strategy requires that on the 26th, 27th and 28th spins there must be at least one repeat of the previous numbers. If there is no repeat, you must wait until the next round and start again.

system 2/3

If the same numerical value that has already been drawn comes up, you must start counting the total sum of the numbers that have already been drawn. This total should not be more than 21 (thus, it would take 3 numbers to reach 2/3 of all 37 numbers on the roulette wheel). If the sum is higher than 21, the next spins will have repeats of the numbers that have already been rolled before. In this case, the player will also need to wait for the next round.

How to bet?

If all of the conditions described above are met, and 21 numbers are rolled out of 28 spins, the system itself will be used on the 29th spin. A bet must be placed on the numbers that have not yet been played during the entire round. This leaves only 16 out of the 37 numbers that have not yet made it through the round. It is necessary to bet on a particular number and a group of neighbouring numbers. Miscalculation is easy – just bet one chip at a time. At the same time the costs will be within 16 tokens. If one of the bets falls out, the winnings will be 36.

The roulette strategy “Two thirds” is an excellent addition to the popular method “Waiting for the third”. This scheme works on the following principle: according to statistics, if one of the numbers falls out twice, it is likely to be winning the third time. The gambler should note in advance the number that appeared the second time. Further, one should bet on this number until it comes up for the third time. If there are several of these numbers, it is worth betting on each of them.

Most gamblers prefer to start the game according to the “wait for the third” strategy. At the same time, it is necessary to write down the numbers for the “Two-thirds” system. In case the first strategy does not produce a result, the second strategy can significantly increase your chances of winning. In this case, you will be able, if not to win a big prize, then win back.