the Fibonacci System

Fibonacci System

To understand the principle and construction of the Fibonacci system, you need to know the history of this strategy beforehand. Its authorship belongs to Leonardo of Pisa, born in 1170. Today he is known as the creator of the famous chain of numbers, and at one time he was an MP. Fibonacci could therefore travel with his father around the Mediterranean Sea without any problems.

Leonardo’s main passion was always mathematics. Travelling allowed him to become acquainted with a large number of cultures, nationalities. Thanks to this Leonardo could easily cope even with complicated mathematical problems. Today the Fibonacci Numerical Value Sequence is considered to be the most famous number sequence around the world. It looks like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, …

But how do we find a pattern in these numbers? Very simply, each successive numeral value will be equal to the sum of the previous numbers.

More about strategy

A very common roulette strategy today among gamblers based on the Fibonacci sequence. It is best used in the European version of the game of chance. The gambler should make his bet, with the need to choose a value with an equal chance of winning. This can be red and black. The first bet is fixed at a value of $1. If the bet is a winning one, the sequence is cut off at this point. If the bet loses, the player will need to record how many losses were made. This is indicated in the first line.

Roulette the Fibonacci System

As soon as the gambler achieves a win, it will be necessary to cross out from the top line the two numerical values that have fallen afterwards. That is, the next bet for the game will be equal to the sum of these crossed out values. Therefore all winnings will compensate previous losses. It is worth indicating the lost bets for tracking separately.

Note that a strategy based on the Fibonacci sequence can be used if you want to bet on dozens or columns. In that case, the odds of winning will not be 1:1, but 1:3. In case a winning spin comes out, the player gets his profit.

How to use the sequence?

If you want to check how the strategy works on red or black, experts recommend using certain programs. In this way, you can automate the betting process and check how accurately the sequence works. There are both English and Russian versions of the software available on the internet. It is called RBS.

If you want to use a strategy relying on dozen or column bets, it is worth applying the DCS software. It works in a similar way to the previous version of the software.